There is no term for this concept in this language.
- Altar-frontal
- Appliqué lace
- Attire
- Beater
- Bed parament
- Bobbin
- Bobin Lace
- Bolla
- Braid
- Brocading shuttle
- Burse
- Button drawloom
- Cadarzo (object)
- Calender
- Canopy bed curtains
- Canopy (civil)
- Canopy (religious)
- Cape
- Cataluffa (object)
- Chasuble
- Child attire
- Christening gown
- Chupa
- Civil attire
- Civil paraments
- Clerical colar
- Colonia
- Comber unit (object)
- Cope
- Corset
- Dalmatic
- Dent
- Depression shaft
- Doublet
- Draw loom
- Dress trimming
- Dye
- Embroidered ribbon
- Fan
- Festive attire
- Festoon
- Flag
- Foulard
- Fringe
- Fringe trimming
- Furniture
- Gilt membrane strip
- Gobelin
- Hand loom
- Harness
- Harness
- Hat
- Heddle frame
- Heddle
- High-warp loom
- Hiladillo (object)
- Household goods
- Humeral veil
- Jacquard loom
- Jacquard paper
- Kerchief
- Kesa
- Kimono
- Lace
- Lamella
- Lash
- Leash
- Lifting shaft
- Lingo
- Liturgical paraments
- Loom
- Low-warp loom
- Maniple
- Mantle
- Mantle (religious)
- Men attire
- Monture
- Necking cord
- Needle
- Needlepoint lace
- Pall
- Paraments
- Pashmina
- Passementerie
- Pattern-rod loom
- Picot
- Polonaise
- Power loom
- Processional canopy
- Pulley box
- Punched card
- Reed
- Reel
- Regional attire
- Religious attire
- Reverse comber unit
- Ribbon (object)
- Samples
- Saya
- Shaft
- Shaft loom
- Shawl
- Shoes
- Shuttle
- Silk cashmere
- Sketch
- Small tube
- Spool
- Standard
- Stole
- Straight comber unit
- Tablecloth
- Tablet loom
- Tablet weaving
- Tassel
- Ternum
- Treadle
- Tunic
- Veil
- Wall hanging
- Warp beam
- Warping mill (object)
- Women attire
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