There is no term for this concept in this language.
- Aceytuni
- Alberoni
- Alcatifa
- Alepine
- Anacosta
- Anafaya
- Atractiva
- Austrian cloth
- Batavia
- Batavia twill
- Batik
- Batiste
- Bayadère
- Belolac
- Bengal
- Binding system
- Binding warp
- Blonde lace
- Blondina
- Bobillo
- Bourrette
- Brilliantine
- Brocaded
- Brocade (fabric)
- Brocade (technique)
- Brocading weft
- Brocatelle
- Broderie velvet
- Brussels lace
- Burat
- Buratine
- Calico
- Calquier
- Camlet
- Camocas
- Cancanias
- Cannelé alternatif
- Cannelé des Indes
- Cannelé simpleté
- Cannetille
- Canutillo
- Carpet
- Castanet lace
- Cataluffa (technique)
- Chaul
- Chevron twill
- Chiffon
- Chiné a la branche
- Chiné (fabric)
- Ciclatoun
- Ciselé velvet
- Composite twill
- Composite weaving
- Construction
- Copichola
- Corduroy
- Coutil
- Crape
- Crepe chiffon
- Crepe de Chine
- Crepe de Lyon
- Crepe
- Crepe marocain
- Crimson (fabric)
- Cristaline
- Crossing
- Cross twill
- Cut velvet
- Damaras
- Damask dress fabric
- Damask
- Dauphine
- Décochement
- Derived weave
- Dice-cloth
- Double-faced weave
- Doup end
- Droguet
- Duchesse
- Dyed (attribute)
- Effect
- Embroidered (attribute)
- Embroider
- Embroidery
- End
- Esparragón
- Espolín
- Extended tabby
- Fabric process and production
- Façonne cut velvet
- Faille française
- Figured
- Figuring with extra weft
- Filature (technique)
- Fine upholstery
- Float (thread)
- Float (yarn)
- Florentine
- Flowered camlet
- Fourth-end-sateen
- Frappé
- Fundamental weave
- Gauffered
- Gauffered velvet
- Gauze (fabric)
- Gauze (technique)
- Geneva velvet
- Geographic featured textiles
- Girdle
- Glacé
- Gregoire velvet
- Grenadine lace
- Grenadine (thread)
- Grisette
- Grogram
- Gros de Londres
- Gros de Naples
- Gros d'été
- Gros de Tours
- Gros
- Ground warp
- Ground weave
- Half silk
- Harness tye
- Hatched
- Ikat
- Interfunctional elements
- Interruption
- Irish poplin
- Irregular satin
- Jacquard weave
- Jusi
- Lace (motif)
- Lace (object)
- Laissé
- Lamé
- Lampas
- Lampassette
- Lampas taille-douce
- Liage repris
- Liseré
- Louisine
- Low-warp tapestry
- Lozenge twill
- Lucca
- Lustrine
- Lyon velvet
- Main warp
- Main weft
- Marabou
- Marceline
- Marli
- Marquisette
- Matelassé
- Metallic weft
- Mezclilla
- Moiré (fabric)
- Moiré (technique)
- Muslin
- Nobleza
- Nuance (fabric)
- Nuance (technique)
- Ordinary damask
- Ormuzine
- Ottoman
- Pattern warp
- Pattern weft
- Pekin
- Pick (technique)
- Pick (yarn)
- Piece dyed (fabric)
- Pile (attribute)
- Pile-on-pile velvet
- Pile warp
- Pill
- Pilling
- Piñuela
- Plain cut velvet
- Plain (technique)
- Plain velvet
- Plain weaving
- Plush (attribute)
- Plush (fabric)
- Plush (technique)
- Ply
- Ply
- Point of binding
- Pongee
- Poplin
- Pris
- Puntilla
- Queen satin
- Quilt
- Radames
- Read in
- Regular satin
- Rep
- Ribbed satin
- Rib
- Roman twill
- Samite
- Satina twill
- Satin de Lyon
- Satinet
- Satin (fabric)
- Satin (weave)
- Selvage cord
- Sendal
- Sericulture
- Shed
- Shot cloth
- Silk camlet
- Silk cloth
- Silk gaberdine
- Silk poplin
- Single damask
- Spanish lace
- Spinning
- Spool (technique)
- Stitched sateen
- Striped taffeta
- Stripped trimming
- Supplementary weft
- Surah
- Tabby (basic weave)
- Tabby (silk weave)
- Taffeta
- Tapestry
- Tercianela
- Three heights of pile brocade
- Throw
- Tissue
- Tornasol muslin
- Tulle
- Twill (fabric)
- Twill (weave)
- Two-coloured damask
- Uncut velvet
- Upholstery
- Velours au sable
- Velours du Nord
- Velvet brocade
- Velveteen
- Velvet
- Voided velvet
- Wadding warp
- Wadding weft
- Warp-faced weave
- Warp rib fabric
- Warp (technique)
- Warp (yarn)
- Watered camlet
- Weave (action)
- Weave unit
- Weave (weave)
- Weaving
- Weaving technique according to finish
- Weaving techniques
- Weft effect
- Weft-Faced weave
- Weft
- Weft-patterned
- Weft-pile weave
- Weft rib fabric
- Yarn dyed (fabric)
- Zarzahán
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