There is no term for this concept in this language.
- Alluciolato
- Animal fibre
- Appliqué
- Artificial fibre
- Aurora
- Balastri
- Bave
- Bengaline
- Bourré
- Bourrette
- Brin
- Briscado thread
- Byssus
- Cannetille (thread)
- Chenille
- Chiné (yarn)
- Cocoon
- Continuous yarn
- Corded ribbon
- Cord
- Cordonnet
- Core
- Cotton
- Crepe (yarn)
- Crepon
- Double
- Drawn silk
- Dupion
- End
- Fabric
- Fibre
- Fibroin
- Filé
- Fine gold thread
- Fine silver thread
- Flax
- Floss (fibre)
- Floss (thread)
- Floss (yarn)
- Frisé (metal thread)
- Frisé (thread)
- Gold thread
- Graph paper
- Grenadine (fabric)
- Gumme silk
- Hard silk
- Heavy lift
- Hiladillo (yarn)
- Light lift
- Linsey
- Manufactured fibre
- Medium gold thread
- Medium silver thread
- Metal golden thread
- Metal silver thread
- Metal thread
- Mexicaine
- Mukta silk
- Natté
- Natural fibre
- Organzine
- Plied yarn
- Poil (yarn)
- Schappe
- Sericin
- Silk bombyx mori
- Silk
- Silk skein
- Silk thread
- Silver thread
- Spiral thread
- Spiral thread
- Spun silk
- S-Twist
- Textile
- Thread
- Thrown silk
- Tiraz
- Tram
- Tussor
- Twine
- Twist
- Undyed thread
- Vegetable fibre
- Viscose
- Waste silk
- Wild silk
- Wool
- Yarn by origin
- Yarn by twist
- Zephyr
- Z-Twist
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